Town Hall and News:
Santa Visits Mystic Bay!
*12/21/02 Today wandering around in Brit, we see Santa at the theater, making his rounds, he comes by Mystic bay to have people sit on his lap and take requests.
Idun Syun and I reported this and welcomed this chance. His party has done this over many shards and it was fun on each. In this session however, you can see some fun, excitement and a jolly
good time. What else can I say? =) Merry Christmas all!
*12/07/02 - Its been awhile but the town is back up! The Town center has the vendor mall and its waiting for action! Right now we are trying to gather all who live in the area to join us and see the place for what it has to offer. This isnt Fel but that wont mean we arent allowed to have
pride! =)
*05/26/02 - Here will be posted any news about the town and changes or events! A meeting will be held soon to discuss what we are and who we are as a
whole. Also a town opening event will be held soon. All are asked to join in the feast and games! The town hall is located next door to the Dark Mystics guild tower. (See map)